Couples Rainforest Retreat         COSTA  RICA

Stephanie & Carlos
Retreat Hosts
Owners, Costa Rica Tours and Retreats

Carlos Romero and Stephanie Gross have been married for four years and currently live in the beautiful and rural Sarapiqui rainforest region. Together, they own and operate Costa Rica Tours and Retreats, a family-owned, bilingual, Costa Rica based tour company/ travel agency.  Stephanie, originally from the United States, is teacher with a master's degree in educational leadership.  Carlos, originally from Costa Rica, is a gym owner/ fitness trainer and former professional soccer player. They started the tour company out of their love for each other, for Costa Rica and their passion for travel and adventurous new experiences. They enjoy exploring all of the different parts of Costa Rica to be able to provide you with the best possible service with their first-hand knowledge. They were married at the romantic Sueno Azul Resort, where the Couples Rainforest Retreat will take place. They delight in sharing this special retreat experience with you. They are thrilled to include the PAIRS Essentials program as a very special and meaningful addition to the retreat, and they have thoughtfully planned the itinerary with you in mind to help open your senses, enhance your relaionship and enjoy quality time together in a natural playground of exploration, relaxation and joy. They look forward to meeting you and sharing with you what they love so much about this magical country!

Fransisco & Viviana
PAIRS Program, Certified National Trainers/ Facilitators
Retreat for Spanish Speakers: July 2 - July 9

Francisco y Viviana Robledo han estado casados por 23 años, residentes en Miami, Florida desde 1993, junto a sus tres hijos Andrea(21), Daniel (15) y Camila (10). Francisco es Ingeniero Industrial y Viviana Consejera en adicciones; por los últimos 16 años han estado vinculados a Organizaciones basadas en la Fe y organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, en las cuales se han desarrollado como consejeros en el campo de la familia, particularmente con Parejas. Su pasión por servir a las familias, los ha llevado a enfocar su trabajo en el campo de la consejería familiar, talleres, seminarios y grupos de apoyo.. Su pasión ha sido restaurar los principios morales y éticos que por estos tiempos se han desaparecido casi por completo en nuestras familias. Como parte de su deseo de capacitación, en el 2007 asistieron a una clase de Pairs For Life en Weston, Florida, durante la cual fueron invitados a entrenarse para ser instructores de la Fundación PAIRS. Fue así como en Julio del mismo año asistieron a un entreno en la ciudad de New York y desde entonces hacen parte del equipo de instructores de PAIRS del sur de La Florida. Hasta la fecha han impartido seminarios y talleres de PAIRS a más de 3000 personas en el sur de la Florida; Los participantes de las clases describen a Francisco y Viviana como una pareja de apasionados, amorosos y profesionales instructores que dedican su tiempo y capacidades para impartir de una manera clara, sencilla y amena los currículos de PAIRS. Son los Fundadores y directores de Amar y Cuidar, un ministerio Cristiano cuya misión es capacitar a los matrimonios y equiparlos con herramientas y principios bíblicos para que desarrollen relaciones saludables y que puedan ofrecer a sus hijos un ambiente de desarrollo amoroso y sano emocionalmente en sus hogares, por el beneficio de las siguientes generaciones.

Lauren & Michael
PAIRS Program, Certified National Trainers/ Facilitators
Retreat for English Speakers: July 23 - July 30

Lauren and Michael DelGandio have been married for nineteen years. Since becoming a PAIRS Instructor in 2007, Lauren has taught classes to hundreds of participants through the federally funded, "PAIRS Relationship Skills for Strong South Florida Families" Project, consistently earning rave reviews from participants in all stages of relationship. Lauren and Michael are the proud parents of three incredible and entertaining children. They met and married quite young and had no real plan or vision for what their life would look like. Lauren pursued a degree in Sociology and Michael developed a Real Estate Appraisal Business. Through many of life's ups and downs, they navigated marriage and family life with no real "roadmap." They discovered PAIRS in their own backyard, in Weston, Florida, and jumped at the opportunity to participate in their first PAIRS class. After just the first session, Lauren knew that they had found a jewel, that would transform their relationship and also inspire her to share the education with others. Lauren became a PAIRS instructor and knew that a meaningful journey was just beginning. She went on to join the PAIRS National Training Team and has had the privilege of training and mentoring new PAIRS instructors around the country. Michael enthusiastically practices the tools and recognizes the incredible value of PAIRS . They share a strong commitment to contributing to increased love, happiness, pleasure and understanding with all who attend their classes.